Faith Featured Life Notes The Good News

Giving thanks to God – The result of being spirit-filled (1)

Ephesians 5:15-21 Having dealt with the meaning of the divine command to be filled with the Spirit, a fair question that anyone may be asking is this: “How can I really know if I am walking in step with the Spirit and realizing His fullness?” The apostle answers this with three clear evidences for judging Read More…

Faith Featured Life Notes The Good News

How to Be Filled With the Holy Spirit

Ephesians 5:15-20 It has been said that the Christian life is not hard, it’s impossible. For many, defeat and discouragement characterize their Christian life. And while it’s true that the Christian life is impossible to live out of your own strength, God does not want defeat and discouragement to characterize the believer’s life. Because of Read More…

Featured Life Notes Such is life Wole Olaoye

Between Popularity and Notoriety

The quest for fame is a global pandemic. From time immemorial, man has craved recognition and social pre-eminence through various means — even if he has to be anti-social to attain social recognition. In this pursuit, the line between popularity and notoriety thins out. Most people would rather be notorious than be unknown. Every Tamuno, Read More…

Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa World

Nicaragua: The Sandinista Revolution cools off

IT was stunning. If it were a football match, it would have been said to be against the run of play. Nicaraguan youths who had risen against the brutal regime of Anastazio Somoza Debayle, on July 17, 1979, rode into Managua putting an end to the reign of the United States-backed butcher. Somoza was so bestial that even his main backer Read More…

Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa United Nations World

Scrap the veto and democratise the Security Council

United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, as usual, told us what we already know. On Wednesday, September 25, 2024, he announced that: “Hell is breaking loose in Lebanon”. But, sadly, he is behind the news because hell is not breaking, it has already broken loose in the Palestine, especially in the Gaza Strip, and has merely expanded its occupation into Lebanon. Read More…

Crime Faith Featured Kidnapping Life Nigeria Notes

Abductions in Nigeria: Articulating a Christian response

Faith Conversations (by the Nigeria Prayer Group) First and foremost, let me express my deep sadness that we have to hold this kind of conversation at all. It is a clear indication of the failed state of our nation: Government is not fulfilling its primary role of keeping the lives of citizens safe and secure. Read More…