OAV Productions
Business CSR Promo Feature

Coca-Cola: Creating A Better Shared Future Through Women Economic Empowerment

‘Equality is not just the right thing to do, it is smart economics. No society can ever truly flourish if it stifles the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contribution of half its citizens.’ At Coca-Cola, we know that women are not only essential to building thriving communities – we truly believe Read More…

Metro Promo Feature Top Story

Garlands for Abolarin, retired LG Auditor-General at 60

The Lagos State Public Service has enjoyed the expertise and professionalism of Mrs Adesumbo Idiat Abolarin for 26 years. She started as a Grade Level 1 Finance Officer at the Lagos State Local Government Service Commission in December 1994 and rose to the position of Auditor General for local government in March 2018 before her Read More…