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Domestic Economy Family & Kids Featured Joy Mfon Essien Life Notes

To Embrace GMOs or not

A few years ago, in a nutrition class I took on Food and Health, we briefly delved into GMOs and the professor taking the class said something puzzling. He said, “You may have your concerns about GMOs, but taking them is much better than not taking any fruits and vegetables at all.” GMO, which stands Read More…

Domestic Economy Family & Kids Featured Joy Mfon Essien Life Notes

Managing Stress vs. Eliminating Stress

Everything around you, within and outside your life can be a stressor, from relationships with colleagues and bosses to family members and even friends.  All too frequently, most of the information being shared out there teaches us to manage stress rather than get rid of it.  You see, stress cannot be managed. If you do, Read More…

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Domestic Economy Family & Kids Featured Joy Mfon Essien Life Notes

8 Tips on How to Accomplish Daily Tasks

The year is still new, and everyone is still dripping with excitement from the buzz of new beginnings, fresh starts, and hope for better results this year. Everyone is bustling with a positive vibe and energy towards accomplishing tasks. Some may struggle a bit in this area as the new year’s euphoria gradually disappears and Read More…

Domestic Economy Family & Kids Featured Joy Mfon Essien Life Notes

The Commercialisation of Christmas

Let me start by saying the more popular a religion is, the more likely it is to be commercialised.How did this all start? The church in Rome was the first to celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. This was in the 4th century, during the reign of Constantine. To weaken non-Christian traditions, Saturnalia was Read More…

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Domestic Economy Family & Kids Featured Joy Mfon Essien Life Notes

How to minimise weight gain during the festive season

We are going to be dancing, hanging out, singing carols, carving turkey, barbecuing, baking, marinating, and clinking our glasses to a new year in a bit. Giving gifts, visiting, travelling will be in full swing, with eating and drinking taking centre stage and before we know it, we’ll be wishing each other a happy new Read More…

Domestic Economy Family & Kids Featured Joy Mfon Essien Life Notes

Personality Types and You (3)

In the concluding part of this three-part series, we will be discussing the Sigma Personality Type. The Sigma Personality combines the best traits from other personality types and turns them into something unique and powerful. A Sigma thrives in solitude—that’s where they draw their strength. They are not conformists and do not follow societal rules; Read More…