Acts 17:22-34 Last Sunday, we saw that Doing of Exploits for God begins with knowing God. This makes an understanding of what it means to know God to be of paramount importance. What, then, does it mean to know God? The Hebrew verb da – “know” means much more than the mere knowledge of an Read More…
Doing Exploits for God
Daniel 11:32 To God be the glory for seeing us through the year 2024! Our theme for the year was “Doing Exploits for God,” and our theme Scripture was Daniel 11:32b. This passage is rendered differently in different Bible versions: (NIV- “With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people Read More…
Thanksgiving-The First Step Towards God
Romans 12:16-21 We give God the glory for bringing us to the New Year 2025, and, as it is customary for us, we are here to give thanks to God for making us to witness this year. By “thanksgiving,” we mean a heartfelt and cheerful acknowledgment of favours bestowed on us by others. But as Read More…
How to find peace and protection in times of trouble
Psalm 9:9-10 As we are within a few hours of the start of the New Year 2025, I consider that, in light of our experience in 2024, our greatest need in 2025 would be peace and protection. 2024 has been a year in which the level of oppression of the masses of our people by Read More…
The Great Blessing of Having God on Your Side
Psalm 124 Psalm 124 is ascribed to David and describes “The Great Blessing of Having the Lord on Your Side.” In it, the Psalmist bears testimony to the fact that you could have many people on your side and still be ruined. You could have a mother and father on your side and still live Read More…
Service of Dedication – A Celebration of God’s Faithfulness
1 Kings 8:54-63; Matthew 6:25-34 We have gathered here today (3 December 2003) to dedicate the new Administrative and Education buildings to God. God saw it fit to allow us to occupy this premises, 47/49, Olufemi Road, Surulere, Lagos, in August 1992, after we had met, first in a home and then in a rented Read More…
Experiencing God’s Unusual Blessings: the Example of Simeon
Luke 2:25-35 At the time of the birth of Jesus Christ, the promise and expectation of the Messiah’s coming into the world had become a matter of traditional belief but not of vital faith and hope among the Jews. There was no comfort in it. If their hearts were stirred up at all, it was Read More…
The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Virgin Birth of Christ
Luke 1:26-38 The Christmas season is here again, and to kickstart our celebration of the birth of our Lord, we want to consider the work of the Spirit in the virgin birth of Christ. In his book on the Holy Spirit, published about forty years ago, Frederick Dale Brunner calls the Holy Spirit the shy Read More…
Results of Being Spirit-Filled (2)
Ephesians 5:18-25; 6:1-9 In Ephesians 5:18, we find the important command to be filled with the Spirit. Having considered how to be filled with the Spirit, we started our meditation on the question: How can I recognise whether or not I am filled with the Spirit? In other words, if I am filled with the Read More…
Giving thanks to God – The result of being spirit-filled (1)
Ephesians 5:15-21 Having dealt with the meaning of the divine command to be filled with the Spirit, a fair question that anyone may be asking is this: “How can I really know if I am walking in step with the Spirit and realizing His fullness?” The apostle answers this with three clear evidences for judging Read More…