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8 Tips on How to Accomplish Daily Tasks
The year is still new, and everyone is still dripping with excitement from the buzz of new beginnings, fresh starts, and hope for better results this year. Everyone is bustling with a positive vibe and energy towards accomplishing tasks. Some may struggle a bit in this area as the new year’s euphoria gradually disappears and Read More…
I’m pregnant
Last night, I dreamt I was pregnant with your child. The irony or is it suppressed memory? I remember being pregnant with your child – what I thought was going to be our first child – and wishing you’d want it as much as I did. The dream felt so real, that I almost felt Read More…
Doing Exploits for God
Daniel 11:32 To God be the glory for seeing us through the year 2024! Our theme for the year was “Doing Exploits for God,” and our theme Scripture was Daniel 11:32b. This passage is rendered differently in different Bible versions: (NIV- “With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people Read More…
All Hail Iku Baba Yeye!
He is not just a deputy of the gods, he is the father and mother of death, the offspring of perdition, of metaphysical ruination and wanton loss. His suzerainty over Oyo Empire in its glory days was the stuff of which legends have been made. The long list of his forebears and their unique individual Read More…
Thanksgiving-The First Step Towards God
Romans 12:16-21 We give God the glory for bringing us to the New Year 2025, and, as it is customary for us, we are here to give thanks to God for making us to witness this year. By “thanksgiving,” we mean a heartfelt and cheerful acknowledgment of favours bestowed on us by others. But as Read More…
Kids For Sale!
I don’t want to de-market Nigeria by saying that it is a country where anything goes. But it will take some deep thinking to come up with something that can actually be described as unattainable, impracticable or unimaginable here. We inhabit a land of paradoxes where poverty and humongous wealth maintain a grudging cohabitation. In Read More…
New Year Resolution: Yes or No?
As is usually the case with people, this discussion always comes up as the year is ending and well into the new year. Over the years, some have come to the conclusion that it’s a complete waste of time, mostly due to the fact that it never really worked for them.While others, on the other Read More…
Between Tinubu and the ‘North’
Happy new year, everyone! As 2025 was rolling in, we were escorted into the new year by cries of discrimination, attempted marginalisation and emasculation from some politicians who claim to be speaking for the ‘North’. Apparently there is a coordinated effort to ensure that the proposed tax reform bill sent to the national assembly by Read More…
Letters to Let Go: A New Year, A New Chapter
Happy New Year. You are probably wondering why I am writing you again as the last letter was supposed to be the last one. It was. And I meant it when I wrote it. At the time, it felt like the best way to say goodbye and finally close our chapter in my mind and Read More…