The Lagos State Police Command has rescued nine teenagers from an alleged forced cult initiation in the Mushin area of the state. The command’s spokesperson, Superintendent of Police (SP) Benjamin Hundeyin, confirmed the rescue on his verified Twitter account on Thursday. Hundeyin, who did not reveal the names of the victims as they are minors, Read More…
Tag: teenagers
Kindness can be learned too!
One of the things I would encourage people, not just parents, but anyone who is saddled with the responsibility of raising a child either as a parent, guardian, caregiver, coach, teacher, or mentor is to teach the child KINDNESS. Yes!! You heard me right, kindness can also be learned from home or from anyone willing Read More…
There’s nothing shameful about being a virgin
It often baffles me how people are shamed and talked down on when they openly admit that they are virgins. I mean, it is okay to feel uneasy for whatever reason best known to you when people around you proudly talk about their virginity, especially if you have offered yours on a platter of gold. Read More…
The danger of parental irresponsibility – How to start uncomfortable conversations with your child
As a social worker, I’ve noticed that youngsters who are left to fend for themselves without parental direction frequently make AVOIDABLE blunders. Many parents avoid having lengthy parent-to-child dialogues, especially when it comes to sexual issues. Most children are left to find answers to the many questions that may be bothering them about sex and Read More…