Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa

The Dove which triumphed over hawks and vultures: The Kaunda story

THE NEO-COLONIAL TRAJECTORY of almost all African states, the neo-liberal policies they pursue and their anti-people programmes, lead in virtually all cases, to constant conflicts between African political leaders and workers. So it is rare for workers to eulogise their political elite. So, for them at the continental level to collectively eulogise and honour a particular African president is Read More…

Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa

I weep more for Nigeria which wasted the Ayomikes

I CANNOT BELIEVE I am writing this. The events are a nightmare that will not go away. Pa Joseph Oritseretsolokumi Ayomike, an 83-year-old man of culture and immense intellect, and his wife, Dr. Chinyere ‘Chichi’ Shirley Ayomike, opera soloist/duetist, Technical Vocational Education and Training, TVET, expert, and a senior lecturer at the Delta State University, Read More…

Featured Notes Wole Olaoye

Managing Nigeria’s Diversity

THREE NEWS-BREAKS, the re-arrest of Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB); the storming of the residence of Sunday Adeyemo, a.k.a. Sunday Igboho, and the passing of the Petroleum Industry Bill by the National Assembly — nearly consigned the seminal treatise enunciated by former President Goodluck Jonathan at the 13th Joe-Kyari Gadzama Read More…

Featured Notes Wole Olaoye

Emerging Elite Consensus

“Peace does not mean an absence of conflicts”; says Dalai Lama XIV. “Differences will always be there. Peace means solving these differences through peaceful means; through dialogue, education, knowledge; and through humane ways.” Such sentiments are desperately needed in Nigeria today. Different parts of the country have been vending different positions on the problem with Read More…

Featured Notes Wole Olaoye

Dangote Doesn’t Need This Kite

WHEN THE HEADLINES caught fire with news that four oil firms including the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) were planning to acquire a stake in Dangote refinery which goes into operation soon, many tongues started wagging. The interest of international companies is understandable, after all Dangote himself has interests in other countries. But a state-owned Read More…