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Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa World

Smart Europeans, daft Africans

SMART Europeans. After building their wealth from resources taken from the colonies, including gold, diamond, rubber, cocoa, cotton and human beings, they decreed that the only way to prosperity is through ‘market forces’. They taught gullible Africans that only the perfect market delivers, while state intervention stagnates.  They are never in short supply of maladjusted African Read More…

Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa

President Buhari’s jokes, Nigerians’ pains

The Sallah is a period of festivities. Perhaps in that spirit, President Muhammadu Buhari last week in paying a Sallah homage to the Emir of Daura, his hometown, was light-hearted. He told fairy tales. For instance, he said of his children: “They already know that I am not leaving anything for anyone to inherit.” What does Read More…