An intentional woman focuses on and nurtures what is important to her and doesn’t leave anything to chance. This quality spreads across her lifestyle, attitude, relationships, dressing, mindset and general view of life. She’s intentional about everything. Her choices, how she lives her life, how she’s perceived and treated and also what she tolerates, lets Read More…
I Don’t Need Closure From You Anymore
February turned out to be my most inspiring month. Not to mention the most love-filled. Which is crazy, as this love didn’t involve anyone else but myself. I truly believed that being in love meant being wrapped up in someone, preferably a partner, preferably you—back when you were my world. But this month, love looked Read More…
The Love of God
1 John 4:7-10 All those who believe in God agree on one thing, and that is that God is love. The love of God is a biblical truth (1 John 4:8), and can be defined as “an exercise of His goodness towards individual sinners whereby, having identified Himself with their welfare, He has given His Read More…
I finally understand bipolar disorder
I remember the night you told me you were bipolar. You said it so casually as if you were telling me your favourite colour, and I, in my ignorance, didn’t think much of it. I had never heard the term before—not in a way that made it real. I thought it was just a word, Read More…
So, you want to get married?
We’ve heard a good number of people say they’re ready to settle down and so need to, or that they are just looking for a partner. One aspect often overlooked is the aspect of preparedness. Are you truly ready for marriage? You see, marriage is more of a journey than it is a destination. In Read More…
The Immutability of God
Malachi 2:17-3:6 We live in an ever-changing world. Things change so fast we cannot rely on a daily newspaper for up-to-the-minute news; we must have news programmes all day long. Some changes are for good, and some are for bad or evil. Some changes are welcome; some are not. A great comfort for the Christian Read More…
What to do till love finds you
My dear single ladies, I decided to pen these thoughts I’d always had because there’s the need to keep saying it.Love is a beautiful thing and a good marriage, is something worth experiencing in one’s lifetime. But I have noticed that these two (love and marriage) always come easily to those who don’t think so Read More…
I Now Know You’re a Narcissist
I never thought I’d say this, but here we are. After all these months, I finally got it. You told me yourself, right before you walked away and never looked back. You said, “I’m a narcissist, but you’ll never understand.” I didn’t understand that day, but I do now. And let me tell you, learning Read More…
The Omnipotence of God
Genesis 18:1-14; Numbers 11:1-6, 10-14, 18-23 Most of the disappointments and frustrations of human beings, including Christians, about life are as a result of their thinking that God cannot use His power to meet their needs or to change their unpleasant situations. People ask questions like: Where is my all-powerful God, for whom nothing is Read More…
Strength for the Days
Deuteronomy 33:25b When Moses blessed the tribes of Israel before he died, he spoke the words of Deuteronomy 33:25b as blessing over the tribe of Asher. As children of God, we can receive any promise of the Bible, as long as any conditions set for that promise have been met. In Moses’ blessing spoken over Read More…