Domestic Economy Family & Kids Featured Joy Mfon Essien Life Notes

Building confidence for public speaking in children

A few weeks ago, my daughter was assigned the task of giving a 5-minute charge in church, and she was encouraged to choose her preferred topic. So, I immediately got to work with her. Together, we listed five topics, and I allowed her to choose the one she was most comfortable speaking on. From time Read More…

Domestic Economy Family & Kids Featured Joy Mfon Essien Life Notes

Parenting Adolescents

If ever there is a time to be intentional and close-mark your children, it is this pre-teen to adolescent stage.  While they ordinarily keep us on our toes, you’d better not be caught snoozing.  At this stage, kids tend to be rebellious and careless, do things without considering consequences or implications, test limits, and, if Read More…