In a tale of extraordinary bravery and tactical brilliance, a 2021 mission by five operatives of the Nigerian Navy Special Boat Service (SBS) in Zamfara has been brought to light. The mission, described as a perilous reconnaissance along the infamous Zamfara-Katsina road — nicknamed the “devil’s road” — showcased the SBS’s resolve against insurmountable odds. Read More…
Tag: banditry
Liberation of Almajiris
“Out of the 251 million Almajiris worldwide, 163 million are from Africa with Nigeria accounting for over 30 million. It is estimated that about 81 percent of almajiris in Nigeria are domiciled in the northern states where they have become part of the landscape. Tons of newspaper pages and countless hours of TV and radio Read More…
Like A Bandit In The Night!
“Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers and sisters, you do not need to have anything written to you. For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. When they say, ‘There is peace and security’, then sudden destruction will come upon them, as labour pains Read More…
Black Mamba Banditry
If government decides to negotiate with bandits and pay them off with the hope that such an ill-advised move will stem the scourge of hostage-taking, rape, cold-blooded murders and wanton spread of terror and destruction of property, then we should probably, in penitence, visit the graves of executed armed robbers — including ‘Dr’ Ishola Oyenusi, Monday Read More…