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Featured Notes Religion The Good News

Prepare to Meet Your God

(Amos 4: 1-13) The word “prepare”, according to the Chambers 20th Century Dictionary, means, among other things, “to make ready or fit”; “to bring into a suitable state”; “to train, as for an examination”; and “to subject to a process for bringing into a required state”. The word features prominently in public and private discourses Read More…

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Featured Notes Religion The Good News Work/Life

How to Prosper in a Hostile Business/Work Environment

(Daniel 6: 13-28) Many workers and owners of businesses today testify that the environment in which they work or do business is hostile. It is hostile to their health, to their family life, to their faith in God, and to their material and spiritual well-being. Nigeria is reputed to be one of the most corrupt Read More…