(1 Kings 11:1-13; Phil. 4:10-13; 1 Tim. 6:3-12) Over the last several weeks we have seen that God truly blesses people in unusual ways, and these unusual blessings result from unusual actions on the part of those blessed. But from our last two examples of those who experienced God’s unusual blessings, that is, Solomon and Read More…
Experiencing God’s Unusual Blessings-the Example of Hezekiah
(2 Kings 18:1-8, 13-18, 28-37; 19:1-2, 5-20, 32-37; 20:1-11) In continuation of our series of messages on Experiencing God’s Unusual Blessings, we want to consider the example of King Hezekiah. Hezekiah was the son of the wicked King Ahaz (see 2 Kings 16; Isaiah 7). Among all the kings of Judah, no reign plunged the Read More…
Experiencing God’s Unusual Blessings-the Example of Hannah
(1 Samuel 1:1-2:1-11, 18-22) According to Paul the Apostle, only God can supply all the needs of His children (Phil. 4:19— “19 And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus”). He went further to state that God can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can Read More…
Experiencing God’s Unusual Blessings-The Example of Ruth
(Ruth 1; 3:1-14; 4:13-22) God’s unusual blessings are not restricted to any race or gender of people. This fact is buttressed by the statement of Peter in Acts 10:34-35, while ministering to the household of Cornelius, where he said, “I now realise how true it is that God does not show favouritism, 35 but accepts Read More…
Experiencing God’s Unusual Blessings-Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath
(1 Kings 17:1-24) Two of the most celebrated Bible characters are Elijah the Prophet and an unnamed woman who is simply described as the Widow of Zarephath. Although one was an Israelite and the other a Gentile, both of them are celebrated in the Bible as examples that others should emulate. James said, concerning Elijah, Read More…
Experiencing God’s Unusual Blessings-Phinehas & the Covenant of Everlasting Priesthood
(Number 25:10-13) God makes and keeps covenants. He is righteous and faithful to keep them all until they are completely fulfilled. He is committed to their fulfilment, no matter how long it takes, even until the end of history. One of the most interesting covenants, and perhaps the most forgotten, is the Covenant of Everlasting Read More…
Experiencing God’s Unusual Blessings -the Example of Solomon
(1 Kings 3:1-15; 4:29-34; 8:62-66; 9:1-9) Solomon, one of the most remarkable human beings that ever lived was born in Jerusalem. He was the second-born child of David and his wife Bathsheba (widow of Uriah the Hittite). The biblical narrative shows that Solomon served as a peace offering between God and David, due to his adulterous relationship with Bathsheba. When the woman Read More…
Experiencing God’s Unusual Blessings-The Example of Judah
(Gen. 49:8-12; Rev. 5:1-5) One of the great laws of life is that a person reaps what he sows in life. God has decreed it to be so (Gal. 6:6-7). Whatever we sow, we shall reap. If we do good, we shall reap good; if we do bad, we shall reap bad. Usually, this principle Read More…