Luke 2:25-35 At the time of the birth of Jesus Christ, the promise and expectation of the Messiah’s coming into the world had become a matter of traditional belief but not of vital faith and hope among the Jews. There was no comfort in it. If their hearts were stirred up at all, it was Read More…
The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Virgin Birth of Christ
Luke 1:26-38 The Christmas season is here again, and to kickstart our celebration of the birth of our Lord, we want to consider the work of the Spirit in the virgin birth of Christ. In his book on the Holy Spirit, published about forty years ago, Frederick Dale Brunner calls the Holy Spirit the shy Read More…
Results of Being Spirit-Filled (2)
Ephesians 5:18-25; 6:1-9 In Ephesians 5:18, we find the important command to be filled with the Spirit. Having considered how to be filled with the Spirit, we started our meditation on the question: How can I recognise whether or not I am filled with the Spirit? In other words, if I am filled with the Read More…
Giving thanks to God – The result of being spirit-filled (1)
Ephesians 5:15-21 Having dealt with the meaning of the divine command to be filled with the Spirit, a fair question that anyone may be asking is this: “How can I really know if I am walking in step with the Spirit and realizing His fullness?” The apostle answers this with three clear evidences for judging Read More…
How to Be Filled With the Holy Spirit
Ephesians 5:15-20 It has been said that the Christian life is not hard, it’s impossible. For many, defeat and discouragement characterize their Christian life. And while it’s true that the Christian life is impossible to live out of your own strength, God does not want defeat and discouragement to characterize the believer’s life. Because of Read More…
Abductions in Nigeria: Articulating a Christian response
Faith Conversations (by the Nigeria Prayer Group) First and foremost, let me express my deep sadness that we have to hold this kind of conversation at all. It is a clear indication of the failed state of our nation: Government is not fulfilling its primary role of keeping the lives of citizens safe and secure. Read More…
The Blessing of the Holy Spirit
Luke 11:13 In His reply to the request of one of His disciples that He should teach them to pray, Jesus said four things—one, that prayer should be for the fulfillment of God’s purposes (Luke 11:1-2); two, that prayer should be for the supply of God’s provisions (Luke 11:3-4); three, that prayer should be with Read More…
How to pray to God
Luke 11:1-13 In our message for last Sunday, titled, Blessing for Helpers of the Helpless, we saw that anyone can be in a situation of helplessness. We also saw that what is expected of anyone in such a situation is to cry out to God in prayer, like David did. Prayer, indeed, is God’s recommended Read More…
Blessing for Helpers of the Helpless
The natural tendency that all human beings have is to be selfish and unconcerned about the plight of those who are less fortunate than them. This tendency is responsible for most of the problems we are facing in the world today, including our dear nation, Nigeria. Today is our 63rd independence anniversary, but how many Read More…
Exploring the Mystery of God and Ourselves
“Melodies of Faith” is a spiritual journey through hymns that enrich our understanding of divine mystery and self-reflection. This week, Nkanu Egbe focuses on recognising the mystery of God and ourselves, drawing inspiration from Psalm 139, which highlights God’s intimate knowledge of us and our need for Sabbath rest and renewal. Praise the Source of Read More…