As is usually the case with people, this discussion always comes up as the year is ending and well into the new year. Over the years, some have come to the conclusion that it’s a complete waste of time, mostly due to the fact that it never really worked for them.
While others, on the other side of the divide, insist it’s not a waste of time and that it works.
What I have come to realize is that this topic of New Year resolutions depends a lot on the individual—if it will work or not. If you insist it doesn’t work, you’re right. And if you’re certain it works, then by all means, carry on and continue to reap the benefits.
I am of the opinion that it works. The thing about plans, goals, and projections that we need to understand is that they’re sometimes a guide and won’t always pan out exactly as expected. So there should always be room for unexpected surprises. This way, when they begin to show up here and there, we’re not taken unawares and knocked off balance. Rather, we’re able to make adjustments, reroute, or modify our plan.
While we strive to do better each year, these steps are daily steps and should be executed immediately once you decide on them. What I mean is, the moment you decide on a matter, you don’t have to wait for the new year to start implementing it. You start putting things in place already to ensure success. You start executing or practicing. This way, you go into the new year already doing these things.
Also worthy of note is this thing many wouldn’t like to know, but somehow it has a way of happening: the moment you decide to do better, hurdles, temptations, trials, and distractions will show up. These are usually not considered by many, and it’s the major reason plans fail. The unforeseen circumstances. Always unexpected, they make it seem like the universe is against you, but I have learned to see it as the universe testing to see how committed you are to these goals.
One sure way to get through this is learning to separate the urgent from the important. Certain matters, though pressing, are unimportant and should be seen for what they are—distractions. The others, though not urgent, are very important. Distractions should be left alone because they will always sort themselves out without you expending time and energy on them.
Understanding that some goals will be achieved faster than others will also help. Some will take a longer time. Some that are delayed would also bring along with them other unplanned goodies to your list of achievements. But in all, you have to keep at them… especially when it feels like nothing is happening, unless you’re sure it’s time to throw in the towel. A lot of times, when it seems like nothing is happening, a lot is actually working silently in the dark to birth blessings in multiples. And so, when one thing happens, other things that were delayed begin to fall in place.
As a Christian, I have also learned—and this is probably the crux of the matter—that planning is best done with God involved from the beginning and all through the process until fruition. This singular act ensures everything falls in place and convinces you that you did your best by involving Him. He gives the clarity, desires, suggestions, strategies, nudges, and answers… You need Him every step of the way.
In all, these are what make life interesting. Cheers to a great start. Once again, Happy New Year 🎇🎇🎊🎉🎉🎊
- Joy Mfon Essien is an Entrepreneur and the CEO, of Discover Essence Media, Millionaire Woman Soapworks and Delicioso Foods. Writer, TV presenter and producer, Wellness Coach and mom of two.