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Lagos NGO calls for blood donations

A Lagos based Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Timilehin Leukemia Foundation, on Friday called for more blood donation from the citizens as the Lagos State blood bank was almost empty.

The Coordinator of the Foundation, Janet Oyedele, made the appeal in a statement in Lagos.

The foundation said that the COVID-19 pandemic had necessitated a surge in the number of those in need of blood, hence other patients might be denied if adequate provisions were not made.

“The Covid-19 pandemic facing the global community has become overwhelming even to developed countries of the world.


“We commend the swiftness of the Federal Government of Nigeria as well as state governments on their pro-activeness to ensure this pandemic (COVID-19) is properly managed to avoid the sporadic spread affecting other nations.

“It is quite understandable that the government has channeled resources and so much energy. This has become a prerogative for us as  NGO to intervene and fill in the gaps where it is necessary.

“Timilehin Leukemia Foundation for what we are known for is ,therefore, reaching out to our stakeholders to kindly take this message as topmost priority.

“The blood bank is empty and the truth is that there are other deadly diseases affecting people.


“The Lagos State Blood Transfusion Board Committee has given us a report of the true picture of things, especially with the blood bank.

“Note that some with slightest malaria might need a transfusion, pregnant women, leukemia patients etc.

“The action call is that in line with the Foundation’s vision to sign up at least one million voluntary  blood donors, we are pleading with Nigerians to kindly volunteer to donate,” it said.

The Foundation said it was ready to provide logistics and ensure safety of any individuals or group of persons who would be  willing to donate.


It urged interested members of the public to call 08023079315, 07018833323 or visit www.timilehinleukaemiafoundation.org or email: timilehinleukaemiafoundation@gmail.com.  (NAN)

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