Labour Nigeria Top Story

Nigeria denies human rights abuse allegations at UK Trade Union Congress; Ajaero Released

In a recent conference held by the Trade Union Congress (TUC) in London, the Nigerian government faced accusations of human rights abuses. The allegations were made by the TUC leader, who claimed that Nigeria had violated human rights. However, the Nigerian government has categorically denied these claims, stating that they are unfounded and based on Read More…

Featured Legal Nigeria Notes Owei Lakemfa

Supreme Court weakens federalism, strengthens unitary system

THE Supreme Court on Thursday, July 11, 2024 made landmark judgements on local government areas, LGAs, in the country. First, it gave the salutary order that they must be run by elected persons. Its second order that LGAs be paid directly by the centre, seeks more or less, to de-link them from the states they are located. In other words, it Read More…

Featured Nigeria Notes Owei Lakemfa Politics

The Afe Babalola testimonies

A lot of hope has been placed on the country’s February 25, 2023, general elections. It actually seems that the country’s continued existence depends on them. Already, some foreign observers have dispatched advanced teams. However, amidst all these, a 93-year-old statesman, scanning the horizon, advises that the elections be postponed by six months if the Read More…