Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa

Conversations with my European friends

In picture above: Ukrainian forces inspect destroyed military vehicles left by the Russian army in the Donbas region. Photograph: EyePress News/REX/Shutterstock I HAVE been engaged in countless conversations with my European friends across continents, groups and social media about current world events and whether their leaders are right in pursuing a solitary military solution. Were Read More…

Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa

Africa’s choice of spoon when dining with the European Union

Twenty-seven European countries under their European Union, EU invited five African countries under the African Union, AU to a two-day feast to showcase their legendary ‘partnership’ which is the oldest in contemporary history. The feast was from February 17-18, 2022. I was not enthusiastic about the event because there is always a catch, and I Read More…

Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa

Ukrainian war: Time to call the Europeans to order

THE eight-year war in Ukraine took a dramatic turn yesterday when Russian troops officially rolled into the country on the side of the separatist rebels in Eastern Ukraine. It was also to insist on its position that Ukraine’s decision to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, NATO, threatens Russia’s security. Ukraine which since 2014 had Read More…

Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa

Micaela Bastidas: Woman with tongue severed who fought her executioners

THOSE who derogatorily, unscientifically and unwisely call women the weaker sex, have not heard about the unarmed women in South East and South-South Nigeria who took on armed British soldiers in a series of battles. The conflicts were ignited when Nwanyeruwa Ojim, an elderly native nurse in October 1929 protested against the decision of the Read More…