Featured Notes Obituary Owei Lakemfa

Akin Mabogunje: An African institution

PROFESSOR Akinlawon ‘Akin’ Ladipo Mabogunje was an African institution established for all-round development. He is also widely accepted as the Father of African Geography. By 2000, the Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, was fed up with the National Housing Fund, NHF, which in the eleven years of its establishment had failed to deliver on mass housing Read More…

Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa World

After Ukraine, US fishes for new war in Taiwanese waters

IN Nigeria, there are people who traditionally rejoice at the prospect of war. They are uncomfortable when there are no wars or new territories to conquer, plunder or destabilise. The United States establishment has this same psychological make-up. It appears allergic to peace, and as one conflict drags to a bloody close, it is instigating Read More…

Featured Liberia Notes Owei Lakemfa World

Liberia: A Dream Deferred

Liberia, which along with Ethiopia are the two African countries never colonised, marked its Bicentennial as an emergent country, and this  Tuesday, July 26, 2022, observed its 75th Independence Anniversary.  On that historic date, the five most prominent persons on the dais who are from four countries were of contrasting nature. Liberian President  George Manneh Read More…

WP/REUTERS/John Sibley
Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa

Social change does not descend from Heaven

SOCIAL change does not descend from Heaven. That was the basic message at an international conference on the “Challenge of Building an Alternative Political and Socio-Economic System”. Cuban Ambassador to Nigeria, Her Excellency Clara  Margarita Pulido Escandell, gave the Opening Address at the July 16, 2022  virtual conference to mark the 17th Anniversary of the Read More…

Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa

President Buhari’s jokes, Nigerians’ pains

The Sallah is a period of festivities. Perhaps in that spirit, President Muhammadu Buhari last week in paying a Sallah homage to the Emir of Daura, his hometown, was light-hearted. He told fairy tales. For instance, he said of his children: “They already know that I am not leaving anything for anyone to inherit.” What does Read More…

Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa World

The masses Tsunami in Sri Lanka

TIDAL waves of humanity are sweeping through Sri Lanka. The masses Tsunami is sweeping away anything in its path. Public buildings, including the Presidency and Prime Minister’s, have been submerged or burnt. The long-time politicians who for decades have manipulated the masses using all sorts of divides, especially ethnicity, are begging the people for a Read More…