Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa

Your Excellency, how many votes do you want?

NIGERIA HAS A LONG HISTORY OF Western education. Its first medical doctor, William Broughton Davis graduated in 1858. It had its first television station on October 31, 1959 before some Western  countries like Albania and New Zealand. Yet, in July, 2021, its National Assembly voted overwhelmingly that the country must not transmit election results electronically. Read More…

Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa

Spare your enemy, he might become your saviour

BRITONS HUGGED THEMSELVES and celebrated Monday, July 19, 2021 “Freedom Day” as the eclectic Boris Johnson government eased COVID-19 restrictions. That day, a dark sturdy man with tribal marks was led away from the Cadjèhoun Airport in Cotonou, Benin Republic. He had lost his freedom, and an uncertain future awaited him. The arrest or capture Read More…

Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa

Bandits can become elected legislators and governors in Nigeria

THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, and some state governments, like Kaduna, say they neither negotiate nor pay ransom to bandits. But government being incapable of preventing the mass kidnap of citizens, especially school children, and inability to rescue them, leaves families and friends with no choice but to negotiate with the bandits and pay hefty ransom. So, Read More…

Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa

As in Vietnam, America breaks into a run in Afghanistan

BAGRAM AIRFIELD and Military Base, 70 kilometres north of Kabul was the epicentre of the 40-country coalition war to oust the Taliban from Afghanistan. At a point in 2012, over 100,000 U.S. troops passed through Bagram which is also a notorious detention centre where no human rights are observed. It was the symbol of American and NATO might Read More…

Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa

The Dove which triumphed over hawks and vultures: The Kaunda story

THE NEO-COLONIAL TRAJECTORY of almost all African states, the neo-liberal policies they pursue and their anti-people programmes, lead in virtually all cases, to constant conflicts between African political leaders and workers. So it is rare for workers to eulogise their political elite. So, for them at the continental level to collectively eulogise and honour a particular African president is Read More…

Featured Notes Owei Lakemfa

I weep more for Nigeria which wasted the Ayomikes

I CANNOT BELIEVE I am writing this. The events are a nightmare that will not go away. Pa Joseph Oritseretsolokumi Ayomike, an 83-year-old man of culture and immense intellect, and his wife, Dr. Chinyere ‘Chichi’ Shirley Ayomike, opera soloist/duetist, Technical Vocational Education and Training, TVET, expert, and a senior lecturer at the Delta State University, Read More…