I never personally met Fidel Castro Ruz, one of the iconic figures of the 20th Century. I only saw him once in the streets of Havana while he drove and the crowds cheered. On November 25, 2016, this African-Latin American ancestor joined the pantheon. When on Friday, March 14, 2025 I visited the Fidel Castro Read More…
Owei Lakemfa
Come and see American wonder
There was a popular song when I was a child titled ‘Come and see American wonder.’ It was not so much about the celebration of the perceived wonders of the United States, US. It was more about the incredulous things emanating from ‘God’s own country’. Some of us thought that as far as the US Read More…
Ousting Assad was more tragic than the West canonising jihadists
When Aleppo, Syria’s second largest city fell on Friday, November 29, 2024 , I thought it was a big blow, but that the Syrian Armed Forces would quickly recover and fight to retake it. However, in the following days, as the Syrian military melted away in the face of advancing Islamic terrorist rebels of al-Qaeda, Islamic State, ISIS and al-Nustra, now Read More…
Trumpism set to upset the world
Unto us, a man-child is again born by the United States, US, electorate. Donald Trump is actually a reincarnation sent to upset the world. Friends like the European Union and neigbouring Canada are jittery for he is unpredictable and, foes like China are girding their loins. Trump is the weird one the incompetent and visionless Read More…
Nicaragua: The Sandinista Revolution cools off
IT was stunning. If it were a football match, it would have been said to be against the run of play. Nicaraguan youths who had risen against the brutal regime of Anastazio Somoza Debayle, on July 17, 1979, rode into Managua putting an end to the reign of the United States-backed butcher. Somoza was so bestial that even his main backer Read More…
Scrap the veto and democratise the Security Council
United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, as usual, told us what we already know. On Wednesday, September 25, 2024, he announced that: “Hell is breaking loose in Lebanon”. But, sadly, he is behind the news because hell is not breaking, it has already broken loose in the Palestine, especially in the Gaza Strip, and has merely expanded its occupation into Lebanon. Read More…
The United States politics of dubious peace-making
The United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, on Monday August 19, made another public claim that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had accepted a peace proposal to end the war in the Palestine. The US christened its latest claim a “bridging proposal”. However, going by previous US announcements, this is maybe another false claim Read More…
Supreme Court weakens federalism, strengthens unitary system
THE Supreme Court on Thursday, July 11, 2024 made landmark judgements on local government areas, LGAs, in the country. First, it gave the salutary order that they must be run by elected persons. Its second order that LGAs be paid directly by the centre, seeks more or less, to de-link them from the states they are located. In other words, it Read More…
Europe at work, please don’t disturb
THE on-going right wing shifts in European parliamentary elections give the impression that there are seismic shifts in the plates of its politics. Please don’t worry yourself. There are no possibilities of earthquakes. These are mere rumblings in the belly of its body politic. It is said that Europe’s far-right gained historic grounds in the elections, but the lesson for us Read More…