Eniola Ajao, the talented actress and producer, has struck gold with her debut cinema venture, “Ajakaju (Beast of Two Worlds)”. The epic film, released nationwide on Friday, March 29, has taken the Nigerian box office by storm, amassing an impressive N101.2 million within a mere five days.
FilmOne Entertainment, the film distribution powerhouse, proudly announced the film’s remarkable success via their Instagram handle, @filmoneng. In a celebratory post, they declared, “The Beast has conquered!!! 🎊🎊 Ajakaju: Beast of Two Worlds is making waves in cinemas nationwide, hitting 101.2 million at the box office in just five days. Nigerians are not playing around with this one. Thank you for trusting every movie we dish out! 🇳🇬🙏.”
Ajakaju delves into the poignant saga of a king teetering on the edge of exile. His predicament? His wives’ inability to bear a male heir. Desperate to secure his dynasty’s continuity, he takes a bold step: marrying a woman from an entirely different realm. Little does he know that this union will ignite unforeseen turmoil and set the stage for an epic battle—one that will determine his legacy.
As audiences flock to theaters, Ajakaju weaves a spellbinding narrative, blending fantasy, tradition, and human struggle. Eniola Ajao’s vision has resonated deeply, captivating hearts and minds across Nigeria.