Crime Metro Rape Top Story

Convicted sex offender Dr. Olaleye appeals, cites lack of substantial evidence

Dr. Olufemi Olaleye, Medical Director of Optimal Cancer Care Foundation, has filed an appeal at the Court of Appeal, challenging his conviction over alleged rape of a minor. His lawyer, Dr. Kemi Pinheiro, SAN, asserts the conviction lacks substantial evidence.

In the appeal filed on Nov. 24 at the Lagos State Appeal Court, Dr. Olaleye contends the absence of direct evidence in the case and discrepancies in the alleged survivor’s testimonies. Pinheiro presented 35 grounds supporting the appeal’s allowance.

Pinheiro stated, “The lower court erred in assuming the victim was 16 without presenting any documentary evidence. The prosecution didn’t tender the complainant’s birth certificate, crucial to confirming her age.”

He further highlighted inconsistencies in the survivor’s statements, asserting she didn’t initially accuse Olaleye of rape, raising doubts regarding the timing of her allegations. Pinheiro questioned the reliance on medical evidence that didn’t directly indict the appellant.


Moreover, the lawyer contested the court’s reliance on Olaleye’s wife’s testimony, emphasising her potential bias and unreliable evidence. He urged the Court of Appeal to set aside the lower court’s decision, overturn the conviction, and acquit Olaleye of the charges.

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