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Henry Kissinger, influential U.S. diplomat and statesman, passes away at 100

Henry Kissinger, a towering figure in U.S. diplomacy who played pivotal roles as a national security adviser and secretary of state under two presidents, has died at the age of 100. His passing leaves an enduring imprint on U.S. foreign policy, albeit amid a legacy steeped in controversy and acclaim.

According to a statement from his geopolitical consulting firm, Kissinger Associates Inc., he passed away at his Connecticut residence. Details surrounding his demise were not disclosed.

Kissinger’s funeral will be a private family affair, followed by a public memorial service in New York City.

Throughout his lifetime, Kissinger remained active in various spheres, participating in White House meetings, publishing leadership books, and offering insights on critical global issues. His unexpected visit to Beijing in July 2023 to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping highlighted his enduring commitment to international engagement.


Amidst the Cold War in the 1970s, Kissinger played an instrumental role in shaping pivotal global events while serving under President Richard Nixon. His contributions facilitated the U.S. diplomatic opening with China, landmark arms control talks with the Soviet Union, enhanced relations between Israel and its Arab neighbors, and the Paris Peace Accords with North Vietnam.

Despite Nixon’s resignation amid the Watergate scandal in 1974, Kissinger continued to wield influence as secretary of state under President Gerald Ford, asserting his views on international affairs until his final days.

While hailed for his strategic brilliance and vast experience, Kissinger’s tenure faced criticism, labeling him a war criminal for supporting anti-communist dictatorships, particularly in Latin America. In his later years, travel was constrained by international efforts to question him regarding past U.S. foreign policies.

Kissinger’s receipt of the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize, jointly awarded with North Vietnam’s Le Duc Tho, was contentious, marred by resignations within the Nobel committee and inquiries into the U.S.’s covert bombing of Cambodia.


A blend of academic austerity and a charismatic persona, Kissinger’s public image ranged from a serious scholar to a socialite, a duality encapsulated by his assertion that “power was the ultimate aphrodisiac.”

Born Heinz Alfred Kissinger in Germany in 1923, he immigrated to the U.S. with his family before the Nazi persecution of European Jewry. Renaming himself Henry, he became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1943, served in World War II, and pursued studies at Harvard University.

Kissinger’s involvement in advising government agencies, notably during the Vietnam War, led to his role as Nixon’s national security adviser and subsequent appointment as secretary of state. His diplomatic endeavors spanned peace initiatives in the Middle East, normalization of relations with China, and détente with the Soviet Union.

Despite his successes, criticisms mounted for alleged mishandling of conflicts and support for authoritarian regimes. Following his government tenure, Kissinger established a consultancy firm and remained a prominent figure in international forums, writing books and offering commentary on global affairs.


His passing marks the end of an era in U.S. diplomacy, leaving behind a complex legacy that continues to evoke both reverence and scrutiny.

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