President Bola Tinubu celebrated the life and legacy of the late patriarch of the Tinubu family, Alhaji Kafaru Tinubu, on the 20th anniversary of his passing. This tribute came shortly after the Nigeria Supreme Court delivered its verdict on Thursday, confirming President Bola Tinubu’s electoral victory and thereby concluding the legal challenge posed by his two principal rivals, who alleged irregularities marred his win.
In a statement from the Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Chief Ajuri Ngelale, the President praised the remarkable qualities of the late patriarch, highlighting his distinguished roles as a public servant, lawyer, administrator, and philanthropist.
Tinubu’s words resonated with deep respect for the late patriarch: “Baba was the finest of men. He was an honourable man; he was noble. He believed in defending the weak against the strong and standing for what is just even at the cost of personal liberty. He was my fortress in the dark days of oppression. He was my rock. Baba was selfless. He never stopped giving himself; his fortune, and everything for the betterment of others.”
President Tinubu fondly recalled the invaluable counsel, support, and guidance he received from Alhaji Kafaru Tinubu during his tenure as the governor of Lagos State: “Baba was passionate about good governance. When I was the governor of Lagos, he was always on hand to offer brilliant advice and guidance. He left a legacy that is larger than life. We will continue to celebrate Baba as well as the values and principles he exemplified.”