Golf Sports

Shipping magnate triumphs in Lord Wilson Golf Open Tournament

Augustine Ndubisi, the proprietor of Nigeria’s largest tug supply vessel, MV Atlantic Brigand, clinched victory in the prestigious Lord Wilson Golf Open Tournament.

In an announcement released on Sunday by Mr. Osagie Edward, Assistant Director of Public Relations at NIMASA, it was disclosed that Ndubisi, playing off a handicap of 17, secured his win by finishing one stroke under the course’s par. The tournament unfolded at the Lakowe Lakes Golf Resort in Lagos.

Taking the runner-up position was Capt. Sunday Umoren, the Secretary General of the Memorandum of Understanding (Abuja MOU), plays off a handicap of 28 and finished two strokes over par.

Lagos-based banker Okposo Hector achieved third place in the competition. Individual accolades were also bestowed, with marketing consultant Emmanuel Emoghware receiving the medal for “nearest the pin” on the 314th hole. Meanwhile, Mendes Seun secured the medal for the “longest drive” with a remarkable tee shot spanning 248 metres on the 418th hole.


Expressing his thoughts after receiving the championship trophy, Umoren welcomed the growing participation of maritime stakeholders in the realm of golf. He expressed his hope for Nigeria to eventually host an international golf tournament for maritime professionals, underscoring the expanding role of golf within the maritime industry.

Ndubisi, on his part, pledged to spearhead efforts aimed at encouraging more players from the Nigerian Maritime industry to embrace the sport of golf.

Mr. Bayo Alli, representing the ARM Group and the owners of the Lakowe Golf Course, reaffirmed their commitment to organising both national and international golf tournaments with the aim of enhancing Nigeria’s global recognition in this sport. He also expressed his delight at the increasing interest that stakeholders from the maritime sector are showing in golf.

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