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Elizabeth II to Charles III: The sun continues setting on England

By Owei Lakemfa

As a child growing up on Lagos Island, I frequently walked through the Race Course to school. The premises of the old House of Representatives building was in that complex. Sitting outside in a regal flowing gown was the huge bronze statue of Queen Elizabeth II. Sculptured by Nigerian artist, Ben Chukwukadibia  Enwonwu, it was commissioned in 1956 by the Queen during her visit to Nigeria. She was the Nigerian Head of State because the country was a British colony.

I loved the sculpture, more so when hanging on the wall of my home was a photograph of my beautiful mother striking the same pose. However, a major contrast was that while the Queen was quite slim, my mother had some bulge, and I was told that I was the bundle of joy growing in her.

Then a few years later, it was reported that the statue had to be removed because protesting students had tried to destroy what was the symbol of neo-colonialism and British interference in Nigerian politics. The statue which was conceived as the symbol of British-Nigeria friendship later found a home in the Museum in Lagos where such relics are housed.

Under colonialism, it was a crime to insult the British crown. You can therefore imagine the courage of Nigerian youth, Raji Abdallah who on being hauled before the colonial courts in 1948 for treason, famously told the judge: “I hate the crown of Britain with all my heart because to me and my countrymen, it is a symbol of oppression, a symbol of persecution, and in short, a material manifestation of iniquity.”


There were many cases of brutish acts by the British colonialists in Nigeria which supported Abdallah’s characterisation of the British Crown. In 1929 when unarmed women in Eastern Nigeria protested against the imposition of taxes on them, the British army attacked them, killing  55  women and injuring fifty. On November 18, 1949, when striking workers in the Iva Valley Mines in Enugu refused to assist the management evacuate explosives, armed British policemen opened fire on the unarmed workers. Within minutes, 21 Nigerian workers were shot dead with 51 injured.

This image of the iniquity of the British Crown also manifested to Kenyans whose lush lands the British wanted to convert to their permanent settlement. On February 6, 1952, while on holiday in Kenya, Princess Elizabeth’s father, King George VI died and she was immediately named Queen. That same year, the Kenyans began their campaign for independence. In the eight-year insurgency, 32 White settlers  and about 200 British soldiers, policemen  and auxiliaries were killed while in the name of  Queen Elizabeth II,  the British killed an estimated 20,000 Kenyans. Officially, 1,090 Kenyans including their leader, Dedan Kimathi were hanged, and entire Kenyan villages were detained en-mass in Nazi-style concentration camps.

 There are have been mixed reactions  following  the  September 8, 2022 passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Some mourn her death while others snigger at her allegedly being the greatest receiver of stolen goods in world history. This is quite uncharitable because unlike Queen Elizabeth I who invested in   the dubious but quite lucrative business of piracy and even knighted her leading pirate, Francis Drake, Elizabeth II is not   known to have  taken part in any direct  criminality. Her guilt stems from the fact that she was Queen of England, the nation that conquered  and annexed  Scotland, Wales  and Northern Ireland and invaded, occupied or  fought  90 per-cent of the countries  that today make up the United Nations; that is  171 countries of the 193 countries in the UN. In the process, it looted countries around the world, stealing amongst other treasures,  human beings, land, crowns, gold, diamonds and  artifacts. One of the crowns Queen Elizabeth II held on to is the  Kohinoor Crown  with 2,800 diamonds which contains the 105 carat Kohinoor  diamond stolen  by Britain in the mid-19th Century  from the Mughal Peacock throne in Delhi, India. This is the crown Queen Camilla is billed to wear at Charles III’s coronation.

 Britain under her was quite wealthy; in terms of gold alone, it held about 400,000 bars worth over  £200 billion. But a lot of that wealth was stolen. For instance,  between 1705 and 1938, Britain stole over £45 trillion from India alone. But that was not under the reign of Iya Charlie, as many Nigerians called the Queen; she was just the inheritor.


After the   May 26, 1908 discovery of oil in Iran, Britain cornered virtually the whole oil wealth   until the Iranians revolted. The British Government which in 1914 formally took control of the Iranian oil, decided  that only 16 per-cent of the oil wealth would  go to Iran. Despite this level of insatiable greed, it was   Britain alone that calculated how much wealth the Iranian oil generated, then decided how much of it was paid as tax to itself before purporting to pay the 16 per-cent.  

In protest,  Iran decided on May 2, 1952 to nationalize its oil. This did not go down well with Britain which with  the United States on August 19, 1953, overthrew the Iranian government led by Mohammed Mussadeq and imposed Shah Reza Pavlavi as the dictator of Iran. This was in the sixth month of Elizabeth II’s reign as Queen. Iranians were not to regain control of their oil wealth until 1979 when it staged its revolution.

There is a trite saying: “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown” This may be true of the Queen as she tried to balance crown  and family; it appears the latter suffered. Despite her best efforts and interventions, three of her four children were enmeshed in endless scandals especially marital.  It told of her judgment of character because under the  Royal Marriages Act 1772, she had to consent to the marriages of her children and lineage.

Her  only daughter, Princess Anne like many  young people, had various relationships before marrying Captain Mark Phillips on November 14, 1973. They had two children, Peter and Zara Philips before they divorced in 1992. On December 12, that same  year, she  married current husband, Sir Timothy Laurence.


Part of the complication is that Princess Anne dated Andrew Parker Bowles in 1970, but the problem was that he was a Catholic, so technically, the Queen would not approve their marriage. On  July 4,  1973  Bowles married  Camilla Rosemary  Shand. They had Tom and Laura Bowles.

 Prince Charles dated  Lady Sarah Elizabeth Spencer but they could not be allowed to marry, some say it was because she was not a virgin. So, Sarah Spencer introduced her younger sister, Diana to Charles. They met thirteen times before their clearly, pre-arranged marriage on July 29, 1981.

Despite both being married, Prince Charles and  Mrs Camilla Parker Bowles began dating in 1986. Camilla was actually, Diana’s ninth cousin. This infidelity  led to complications in the marriages with  Camilla divorcing Bowles in 1995 and Charles divorcing  Diana in 1996, a year before she was killed in a car crash.  

Queen Elizabeth who ordered the  Charles-Diana divorce, would not accept  Camilla, a divorcee as her new daughter in-law more so as she would be in line to be Queen. Eventually, she bowed to  pressure  and Charles married Camilla in 2005.


Perhaps the most complicated of all is Prince Andrew, the Queen’s third child who was married to the feisty Sarah Margaret Ferguson better known as Fergie.  They got married on March 19,  1986, had two daughters, princesses  Beatrice and Eugenie, and after some scandals, divorced in 1996 but still live together.

Prince Andrew was implicated in an international  paedophile scandal for  which he paid a financial settlement to Virginia Giuffre whom he had sexual relations with when she was 17.

 Queen Elizabeth II has played her role and will be laid to rest on  Monday, September 19, 2022. It is left for King Charles III to play his role. Whatever the case, the sun will continue to set on the English monarchy.        

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