Culture & Arts Entertainment Top Story

Can someone help Bosede get to Anthony Joshua?

It is possible that Bosede Okeowo’s troubles would soon be over. That is if her pencilled drawing of Anthony Joshua, world boxing champion, reaches him.

From the loneliness of her home in Otun Ekiti in Ekiti State, Bosede took her time to sketch and render a realist portrait of the pugilist.

Anthony Joshua rendered in pencil by Bosede Okeowo.

She thought nothing of it until a good-spirited person saw her drawing of Joshua and posted her and her work on social media..

Bosede is a paraplegic. She has deformed hands and feet. She’s been that way since she was seven.


“I used to walk but one day I found out I couldn’t use my limbs anymore”, Bosede told LM in a phone interview.

“My parents tried all they could but couldn’t find a solution.”

Bosede is not just a paraplegic, she has been denied entry into all educational institutions she applied to because of her condition.

At 17, she took to drawing, and since then has been preoccupied with her craft. She is now 27.


“I’ve done many drawings. I hope one day they will be appreciated.”

“I’m still improving myself. Right now, I concentrate on pencil and charcoal works. But I want to start training myself in powder and oil pastel.

Though she did not have formal education, Bosede speaks impeccable English.

This is hoping Bosede gets the attention she deserves.


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