Health Top Story

Lagos records COVID-19 death at Ayinke House, LASUTH

The Institute of Maternal and Child Health (Ayinke House), Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), Ikeja, has recorded a COVID-19 related death, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports.

Ayinke House is a 170-bed healthcare centre, upgraded on April 24, 2019, and domiciled at LASUTH, Ikeja.

A reliable source at the hospital told NAN that the patient was referred to Ayinke House from Alimosho General Hospital, and was admitted on April 8 for ailment of “puerperal sepsis” with a high index of suspicion of COVID-19.

Puerperal Sepsis is an infection in the female genital tract within 10 days of childbirth, miscarriage, or abortion.


According to the source, the patient’s temperature was high and her sample was taken for COVID-19 test on April 9, with the outcome of the result being positive for COVID-19.

“Unfortunately, the patient had died by the time we got the result,” the source told NAN.

A memo by Prof. Tokunboh Fabamwo, Chief Medical Director of LASUTH, to staff members of the hospital on Saturday, a copy of which was obtained by NAN confirmed the incident.

It reads: “From the CMD, Saturday 11th April 2020 CORONA VIRUS POSITIVE MORTALITY IN AYINKE HOUSE.


“A case of puerperal sepsis with a high index of suspicion of Covid-19 was admitted on Wednesday.

“LASUTH management was notified on Thursday about the suspicion.

“The normal protocol for testing was activated and the test was carried out. The patient eventually died this morning and the test came out positive.

“The corpse is awaiting evacuation to Yaba. The emergency unit where she was managed will be fumigated immediately and shut down for 48 hours.


“All the doctors and nurses as well as other health workers who came in contact with the patient are being audited regarding the practice of universal precautions.

“The news from HOD OB & Gyn is that it was unlikely any of them did not practice universal precautions since there was a high level of suspicion.

“In case we find any staff who came in contact without precautions, such staff will self isolate and be tested in five days time.

“The Honourable Commissioner for Health has been briefed about the development and is in total agreement with all the steps that we are taking.”


However, a call placed to the chief medical director by NAN was not answered.

Fabamwo, when contacted, responded to the SMS sent by NAN to get further details about the situation at the hospital.

He said: “You will need to be a bit patient for the Honourable Commissioners briefing.

“He will give information about the patient,” Fabamwo said. (NAN)

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