Government Nigeria Policy Top Story

Holding Nigeria Accountable: Mainstreaming Financial Responsibility to the Grassroots

In December 2022, Nigeria’s government, in partnership with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), and in connivance with the National Assembly, decided to securitise its ways and means drawdowns, a move that contravened the CBN Act’s borrowing limits. Amidst this, the government’s dependence on ways and means advances to finance budget deficits since 2015, culminating Read More…

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Crime Cybercrime Nigeria Top Story

Unmasking the Web of Deceit: Investigating Internet Fraud in Nigeria

In the wake of Nigeria’s digital revolution, as the nation strives to embrace technological progress and financial inclusion, a stark and disconcerting reality has emerged: the rampant surge of internet fraud. This investigative report ventures into the intricate web of internet fraud that has entangled the Nigerian landscape, unravelling the intricate threads of data, statistics, Read More…