Lagos police have launched an investigation into the alleged threat issued against Igbo by the Chairman of the Lagos State Parks Management Committee, Musiliu Akinsanya, also known as MC Oluomo. MC Oluomo had been alleged to have threatened Igbos who would not vote for the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) to stay at home during Read More…
Tag: MC Oluomo
MC Oluomo heads new Lagos Parks Mgt Committee
The Lagos State Government has set up a 25-member Parks Management Committee to oversee the affairs of all motor parks and garages in the state. The Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Mr Gbenga Omotoso, said in a statement on Thursday that the committee was in fulfilment of the government’s promise to ensure that events in Read More…
MC Oluomo advised to return Lagos Council to national NURTW
Alhaji Rafiu Olohunwa, former Lagos State Chairman, National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW), has advised some members of the state chapter who pulled out to return to the national body. In an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos on Monday, Olohunwa urged the suspended chairman, Alhaji Musiliu Akinsanya, and his Read More…