A catastrophic earthquake struck Japan on New Year’s Day, claiming the lives of at least 48 people, causing widespread destruction, and triggering tsunamis that swept away buildings and vehicles. Rescue teams are battling against challenging conditions to reach affected areas, where numerous buildings have collapsed, roads are impassable, and tens of thousands of homes remain Read More…
Tag: destruction
3 charged of stealing CCECC property in Lagos
Three men, Ajibola Sulaimon, Thankgod John, and Sodiq Awesu, were charged by the Lagos police on Wednesday with theft and malicious destruction. Before an Ojo Magistrates’ Court are Sulaimon, 35, John, 41, and Awesu, 23. However, they pleaded innocent before Magistrate L. J. K. Layeni. According to the prosecutor, Dr. Simon Uche, the crimes were Read More…
Circle Mall Looting: Sanwo-Olu Promises Tax Break, Financial Support for Business Owners
…Governor Implores Lagosians On Re-Orientation Of Value System Following recent looting and burning of several shops and stores at Circle Mall in Lekki by hoodlums following the hijack of the EndSARS protests, Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu has promised to assist the tenants and shop owners at the mall for them to bounce back Read More…