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UNHCR reports 114 million refugees worldwide

The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has released a staggering report indicating that as of the end of September, over 114 million individuals across the globe have been compelled to abandon their homes due to the grim realities of conflict, persecution, and human rights violations.

The outbreak of war in Ukraine and conflicts in regions like Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Myanmar, coupled with challenges such as drought, floods, and insecurity in Somalia, have contributed significantly to this alarming new total. Additionally, an enduring humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan has exacerbated the dire situation.

Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, conveyed his deep concern, stating, “Globally, far too many conflicts are proliferating or escalating, shattering innocent lives and uprooting people. The international community’s inability to solve conflicts or prevent new ones is driving displacement and misery. We must look within, work together to end conflicts, and allow refugees and other displaced people to return home or restart their lives,” he declared in a statement.

Back in June, the number of forcibly displaced individuals worldwide stood at 110 million, marking an increase of 1.6 million from the end of 2022. Furthermore, between June and the close of September, an additional four million individuals were estimated to have been forcibly displaced, culminating in a distressing total of 114 million.


It is essential to note that UNHCR’s report does not encompass the consequences of the Israel-Palestine conflict that ignited on October 7, as it fell beyond the report’s scope.

The report also illuminated that the burdens of hosting three-quarters of those in need of international assistance predominantly rested on low and middle-income countries.

Despite the immense challenges, High Commissioner Grandi expressed unwavering resolve. He emphasized, “As we watch events unfold in Gaza, Sudan, and beyond, the prospect of peace and solutions for refugees and other displaced populations might feel distant. But we cannot give up. With our partners, we will keep pushing for – and finding – solutions for refugees,” he declared.

The publication of this report coincides with the imminent second Global Refugee Forum, scheduled to take place from December 13 to 15 in Geneva. This forum, the largest of its kind dedicated to refugees and forcibly displaced individuals, unites governments, refugees, local authorities, international organizations, civil society, and the private sector.


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