Metro Religion

Lagos Archdiocese ordains 11 new priests in solemn ceremony

The Catholic Archdiocese of Lagos State delivered a solemn charge to eleven newly ordained priests on Thursday, urging them to dedicate themselves to God’s service, the welfare of the people, and a life of selflessness.

This directive came during the ordination ceremony of these young priests, a vital step in maintaining the propagation of the gospel within society.

The event took place at the Holy Cross Cathedral in Lagos.

Among the newly ordained priests were Rev. Augustine Dodo, Rev. Anthony Eze, Rev. Benedict Emeka-Anike, and Rev. Raphael Onah. The list also included Rev. Benjamin Oddi, Rev. Peter Dennis-Ulasi, Rev. Callistus Onyele, Rev. Martin Igbadumhe, Rev. Kizito Emenalo, Rev. Emmanuel Eze, and Rev. Christopher Ngbede.


During his sermon at the event, Most Rev. Alfred Adewale-Martins, the Catholic Archbishop of Lagos, emphasised that priesthood is a divine calling characterised by service and a willingness to make sacrifices for God.

Adewale-Martins stated, “My sons, you are now to be advanced to the order of the Presbyterate. You must apply your energy to the duty of teaching in the name of Christ. Let the doctrine you teach be nourishment for the people of God. Let the example of your life attract the followers of Christ so that by word and action you may build up the house, which is God’s Church.”

After the laying of hands and a ceremonial kiss by the High Priest, Rev. Fr. Collins Ugochukwu, the Assistant Vocation Director of the Archdiocese, encouraged the newly ordained priests to maintain unwavering focus in their role as ministers of God.

The ordination was a part of the festivities marking the 40th anniversary of Adewale-Martins’ priestly ordination and his 25th year of consecration as a bishop. During a Holy Mass celebrating these anniversaries, the Archbishop received a papal award from Pope Francis in recognition of his exemplary leadership.


On Sunday, a Holy Mass at the cathedral and visits to orphanage homes will wrap up the week’s worth of activities.

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