Metro Traffic

LASG acts fast against rogue MOT officials

The Lagos State Government has taken decisive action against officials of the Transport Operations and Compliance Unit (TOCU) of the Lagos State Ministry of Transportation who strayed from their assigned responsibilities. The announcement was made by Mr. Abdulhafiz Toriola, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Transportation, in a statement released in Lagos on Thursday.

Toriola revealed that the government’s actions were prompted by recent incidents involving certain TOCU officials who were found to be deviating from their prescribed duties. Instead of adhering to their directive, which involved placing removal notices on abandoned vehicles obstructing traffic in various parts of the state, these officials were reported to have engaged in the apprehension of motorists and extortion.

The Ministry of Transportation expressed its deep concern over these allegations and promptly initiated measures to address the situation. The officials involved in these inappropriate activities have been apprehended and are currently under investigation.

Toriola emphasized the ministry’s commitment to upholding ethical standards and its primary objectives, which include facilitating smooth traffic flow, promoting road safety, and enforcing compliance with relevant transportation regulations.


He underscored that the actions of a few individuals should not tarnish the reputation of the entire unit, which comprises many dedicated professionals devoted to serving the public’s interest.

The Ministry of Transportation is determined to implement measures that prevent such incidents from recurring. These measures include reinforcing proper training and ethical conduct among its officials.

Toriola also highlighted a concerning category of reports involving fake officials posing as members of the banned Removal of Abandoned Vehicle Committee and TOCU. These impostors have been unlawfully apprehending innocent motorists and extorting money from them. The ministry strongly encouraged the public to report any instances of misconduct or extortion encountered from such individuals, as their cooperation is vital in upholding transparency and accountability.

The ministry expressed gratitude to the public for their vigilance in reporting these incidents, underscoring the importance of the strong partnership between the government and the people of Lagos State.


By holding officials accountable for their actions, the ministry aims to rebuild trust and confidence in the enforcement agencies responsible for ensuring transportation compliance and safety within the state.

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