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Transformative Harmony: Weird MC’s Journey through Music and Spirituality

In the vibrant mosaic of Nigeria’s music landscape, one name stands out as a true maverick, seamlessly weaving together genres and cultures to create something entirely unique. Adesola Idowu, better known by her stage name “Weird MC,” has carved an indelible niche for herself as a Nigerian music icon, rapper, and songwriter, despite her roots being grounded in the United Kingdom. Her journey is a testament to the power of artistic innovation and the courage to challenge conventions.

Born in the United Kingdom to conservative parents who disapproved of their daughter pursuing a career in entertainment, Weird MC’s early life was a canvas splashed with diverse influences. Coming from a household that celebrated both traditional Nigerian melodies and global sounds, she soaked in a rich auditory palette from an early age. As she reflects on her formative years, she muses, “Music was like air in my home. It wasn’t just a sound; it was an emotion, a storyteller, and a connection to the world beyond.”

Her foray into the music industry was serendipitous, driven by an innate curiosity to blend the beats that resonated with her. With a wistful smile, she recalls, “I was drawn to the pulsating rhythms of hip-hop, and Afrobeat felt like the heartbeat of my roots. It was a challenge – a challenge to unify these seemingly distinct languages into a symphony that would strike a chord with others.”

In the days, as she navigated through studio sessions and crafted her verses, the city’s energy became her muse. The bustling streets, the kaleidoscope of cultures, and the voices of everyday people became threads she wove into her art. It was in this environment that she composed her hit single, “Ijo’ya,” a track that would not only signpost her career but also reshape the trajectory of Afrobeat itself.


In a world where conformity often reigned, Weird MC’s unapologetic individuality sparked a movement. A movement that celebrated the beauty of being different, of challenging norms, and of pushing sonic boundaries. The ripples of her influence extended far beyond her songs; they reached into the very soul of a generation yearning for resonance.

The pulsating beats of “Ijo’ya” echoed through the airwaves, and the Nigerian music scene was shaken to its core. The song was more than a hit; it was a seismic revelation. Weird MC had not only dared to fuse Afrobeat with hip-hop, but she had done so with finesse, leaving listeners spellbound. The lyrics danced between English, Yoruba, and pidgin – a testament to her commitment to authenticity. “I wanted my music to be a bridge,” she reminisces. “A bridge between cultures, between past and present, and between the person I was and the artist I was becoming.”

Topsy, Turvy

As the infectious rhythms of “Ijo’ya” swept across Nigeria, Weird MC found herself catapulted into iconic celebrity, a sensation that both exhilarated and humbled her. “It was like a whirlwind of emotions,” she recalls, her eyes gleaming with nostalgia. The nation had found its new musical muse, and awards and accolades rained down on her like confetti.

“It wasn’t just the recognition; it was the connection,” Weird MC explains. “People would come up to me and share how ‘Ijo’ya’ had become a soundtrack to their lives. That’s the true magic of music—its ability to weave into the personal stories of listeners.” Her music wasn’t merely entertainment; it was a mirror reflecting the diverse experiences and emotions of her audience.


When her album, “Simply Weird,” was released, Weird MC’s star burned bright. The album was a kaleidoscope of genres, with each track a testament to her versatility and creative daring. From the anthemic “Allen Avenue” to the soul-stirring “Happy Day,” the album painted the portrait of an artist in her prime.

But it wasn’t all honky-dory. Before real success came, as the fabric of her career seemed to be weaving seamlessly, an unexpected knot emerged. Record label bureaucracy cast a shadow over her artistic journey. “The music industry isn’t just melodies and lyrics,” she says with a wistful smile. “It’s a complex dance of contracts and negotiations.” The aftermath of her second album’s release became a period of legal wrangling that stifled her creative freedom.

“It was a tough time, no doubt,” she admits. “I felt like I was wrestling to keep my voice alive, to preserve the integrity of my art.” Despite the setback, Weird MC’s spirit remained unbroken. It was during this challenging phase that fate intervened in the form of JJC and the 419 Squad.

Weird MC’s eyes light up as she recounts the serendipitous encounter. “JJC and I crossed paths at a time when I needed a lifeline. He had this incredible energy, this unapologetic passion for creating music that resonated with me.” JJC, a fellow artist and visionary, recognised Weird MC’s untamed talent, and the two bonded over their shared love for pushing artistic boundaries.


The collaboration breathed new life into Weird MC’s career. “It was like rediscovering the magic of music,” she reflects. The 419 Squad became her creative haven, a place where experimentation was encouraged, and her voice was amplified. Together, they birthed tracks that defied conventions and spoke to a generation hungry for authenticity.

“JJC reminded me why I fell in love with music in the first place,” she says with a fond smile. “He was a catalyst for my artistic reawakening.” Through this collaboration, Weird MC not only regained her footing but also embraced her role as a mentor to emerging artists, passing on the torch of artistic resilience.

The Animation Experiment

Amidst the pulsating beats and electric energy of Weird MC’s musical journey, a distinct chapter unfurled – one that would forever alter the landscape of music visuals. It was a chapter illuminated by the mesmerizing glow of innovation and led by the artist’s audacious spirit.

In an industry where music videos had become synonymous with glitzy sets and sultry choreography, Weird MC dared to chart a different course. The stage was set for her groundbreaking decision: an animated music video for her hit track “Ijo’ya.” As she explains it, “I’ve always been drawn to the uncharted, to the unexplored territories. This was no different—an opportunity to blend my music with a form of visual art that hadn’t been fully tapped into in our industry.”


The decision was met with a mix of curiosity and scepticism. Yet, Weird MC was resolute. “I wanted the video to be an extension of the song’s spirit – vibrant, unapologetic, and uniquely African.” And so, she embarked on a creative journey that would push the boundaries of imagination.

Weird MC reminisces about the early stages of the project. “I had this notebook filled with sketches, doodles of characters, and scribbles of ideas. I must have looked like a kid in a candy store, except the candy was a world of limitless possibilities.” The process was exhilarating – an intricate dance between her musical vision and the budding world of animation.

Enter Obinna Nwekwe, an animation director whose work had caught Weird MC’s eye. What followed was a virtual collaboration that spanned continents. “We were like two artists painting on the same canvas from different corners of the world,” she muses. The synergy was uncanny, their shared passion bridging the geographical gap.

“Obinna understood the heartbeat of ‘Ijo’ya,'” Weird MC recalls. “He saw the colours, the rhythm, and the very essence that made the song come alive.” Their exchanges were a whirlwind of ideas, with each message carrying the weight of creativity and possibility. Despite the physical distance, they were united by a singular goal: to birth a music video that would not only entertain but also challenge norms.

The impact of their collaboration rippled through the music industry. The animated music video for “Ijo’ya” wasn’t just a visual accompaniment; it was a bold statement about the power of unconventional storytelling. “People were taken aback, in the best way possible,” she says, a hint of pride in her voice. “It was like presenting a new flavour to a familiar dish—surprising, yet strangely satisfying.”

The animated music video opened doors to a new realm of creativity. It sparked conversations about the fusion of music and visual art, of how animation could convey narratives that traditional videos couldn’t. In many ways, Weird MC had once again etched her name in the annals of innovation.

“Ijo’ya,” with its animated alter ego, had become more than a song; it had become a testament to the boundless imagination of an artist unafraid to challenge conventions. As we journey forward, we delve into the spiritual awakening that shaped her music, the evolution of her stage presence, and the legacy she continues to craft.

Spiritual Awakening

Weird MC’s religious journey is transformative and personal—a spiritual epiphany that changed her music and life outlook. Losing a great friend, Nomoreloss, sparked this turning point. Weird MC recounts in her interview, “That really messed me up very big time…”

A need for a connection beyond the material began to pull at her. She couldn’t ignore the call to study spirituality. “There was just more than us just waking up in the morning and doing our thing,” she says. It recognised that life was about developing our spirituality, which was often latent.

Weird MC encountered Christianity, which connected with her while she sought a deeper connection. She said in the interview, “He found His child again, and His child went back to Him.” Her religion wasn’t religious; it was a personal relationship with God.

Her adventure unfolded gradually, not suddenly. The mentee, Aisha Rilman, planted curiosity. Weird MC was intrigued by Aisha’s witnessing and chats about Jesus. Aisha’s faith showed the universality of spirituality, not her name.

Weird MC’s church visit with Aisha took an unexpected turn. The church’s emptiness that day seemed to convey a message. Fatefully, their pastor’s preaching on the eternal and spiritual resonated with Weird MC’s developing dissatisfaction. “There’s more than just doing the music, just being big, Weird MC,” she realised.

With her spirit ready for this change, the pastor’s remarks seemed to confirm her direction. She recalls, “There was just this unrest in my spirit that there was more, there was something missing.” She decided to push forward and explore the spiritual depths that drew her.

Weird MC started by becoming a Christian. She searched the Bible for direction and clarity. Her fellow Christian friend, Cynthia, guided and supported her. “Do this, go read this, go do this, go do that,” Cynthia softly guided her through discovery.

Weird MC’s spiritual awakening went beyond her own life. Her music reflected that, giving her songs more meaning. Her view of life’s purpose and music’s function in revealing deeper truths changed when she understood God’s presence.

A Lasting Legacy

Weird MC’s journey is more than just a story of milestones and music; it is also the legacy of a musician who has broken conventions, forged new paths, and made an enduring contribution to Nigerian music. Her impact is more than the melodies she composed; it’s the courage she embodied and the paths she paved.

“Legacy isn’t about fame or records,” she muses. “It’s about the lives you touch, the dreams you ignite, and the spirit of authenticity you inspire.” Weird MC’s influence extended beyond the music itself; it resonated in the hearts of those who heard her songs and dared to chase their own aspirations.

She shares her insights with the new generation of artists. Her words, like her music, carry a blend of wisdom and passion.

“To the artists and dreamers out there, I say this: Embrace your uniqueness. You are a masterpiece of creativity, and your voice is a gift to the world. Don’t be afraid to blend genres, to challenge conventions, and to dance to the rhythm of your own truth.”

Her voice is a call to authenticity, a reminder that the path to greatness isn’t about conformity but about daring to be different. “The music industry will try to fit you into boxes,” she warns. “But remember, you’re not a puzzle piece; you’re a masterpiece, and your journey is yours to shape.”

With a heart full of gratitude and a spirit that continues to shine brightly, Weird MC trudges on. Set for a massive comeback after her spiritual hiatus, her story is a symphony of innovation, a testament to the power of embracing one’s identity, and a celebration of the eternal dance between music and the soul.
Watch the full interview below:

Shola Idowu spoke to Keni Ogunlola, Heroes’ Diary.

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