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Two Nigerian Men Extradited to US Over Sexual Extortion Scheme Involving Dozens of Young Men

In a significant transcontinental legal manoeuvre, two individuals hailing from Nigeria, Samuel Ogoshi (22) and Samson Ogoshi (20), have been successfully extradited to the United States. The move comes in response to grave allegations of engaging in a large-scale sexual extortion operation targeting over a hundred young men and teenage boys. The extradition, which took place recently, was confirmed by federal prosecutors on Sunday.

The brothers, who call Lagos their hometown, are now facing a comprehensive four-count indictment in connection with the elaborate web of crimes that spanned a period commencing prior to February 2021 and extending until at least May 2022. This information was elucidated in an official press release issued by the esteemed U.S. Attorney’s Office situated in the Western District of Michigan.

The charges levelled against the Ogoshi siblings encompass multiple facets of their nefarious operation, which prosecutors claim to have had tragic consequences, including the untimely demise of Jordan DeMay from Marquette, a locale situated in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. DeMay, aged 17, tragically succumbed to self-inflicted gunshot wounds on March 25, 2022.

Central to the allegations is the assertion that Samuel and Samson Ogoshi orchestrated an extensive international network for the purposes of sextortion, cunningly adopting the guise of a woman in their interactions. These carefully orchestrated schemes are said to have culminated in a chain of events that eventually led to the unfortunate loss of young DeMay’s life.


The specific charges brought against the two men encompass a single count each of conspiring to sexually exploit minors, conspiring to distribute child pornography, and conspiring to perpetrate stalking through online channels. Further differentiation arises as Samuel Ogoshi faces additional charges, specifically, a count of sexual exploitation of a minor resulting in death, as well as a count of attempted sexual exploitation of a minor resulting in death.

In the expansive indictment, a grand jury has alleged that the Ogoshi brothers systematically preyed upon and attempted to exploit more than a hundred individuals, thereby perpetuating a wide-ranging campaign of extortion.

U.S. Attorney Mark Totten, speaking out about these disturbing events, voiced his resolute stance: “Sextortion is a heinous crime. To those found guilty of these offences: rest assured, our pursuit of justice will span the globe. And to the victims, we extend our unwavering support. I am exceedingly gratified by the expeditious handling of the extradition efforts and extend my appreciation to the dedicated efforts of the FBI and our partners in Nigerian law enforcement for their unrelenting dedication to ensuring justice in this transcontinental investigation into sexual exploitation.”

The apprehension of Samuel and Samson Ogoshi in Nigeria earlier this year was facilitated by Nigerian authorities following a request from the United States. The subsequent indictment was issued in May, thus setting the stage for this legal proceeding.


The duo made their anticipated appearance at a federal courthouse in Grand Rapids, marking a pivotal moment in this legal saga. It’s worth noting that a third individual, Ezekial Ejehem Robert, is also implicated in this case.

The indictment highlights the defendants’ utilization of compromised social media accounts, procured through hacking. This ploy enabled them to present themselves as young women, ultimately drawing unsuspecting teenage and young adult males into explicit conversations. Notably, one of the accounts, operating under the moniker “dani.robertts” on Instagram, engaged in correspondence with the ill-fated Jordan DeMay shortly before his tragic passing.

Following initial exchanges, the Ogoshi brothers meticulously gathered information about their victims from various online sources, including Google, constructing a comprehensive profile of their targets, which encompassed personal details such as residence, educational institutions, workplaces, and social connections.

Within the indictment, it is alleged that Samuel and Samson Ogoshi coerced their victims into capturing explicit imagery of themselves, which was subsequently amalgamated with other photos sourced from social media platforms. The result was a series of collages featuring victims’ schools, families, and friends. The perpetrators then wielded these collages as weapons of intimidation, threatening to broadcast them across victims’ social circles unless monetary remuneration was forthcoming.


In a sinister twist, both the Ogoshi brothers and Ezekial Ejehem Robert shared and employed scripts that outlined strategies for extorting money from their victims. One such script reads: “Hey, I have secured screenshots of your followers, tags, and those who engage with your posts. I possess the capability to disseminate these compromising images to everyone, alongside your explicit photos, until they attain viral status. Your only recourse is to comply with my demands, and I shall spare you the exposure.”

Prior to DeMay’s death, the indictment continues, after he paid the defendants $300 but was told it was not enough, the following exchange of messages with the defendants took place:

a. dani.robertts: “Goodbye”b. dani.robertts: “Enjoy your miserable life”c. Victim 1: “I’m kms rn” [“I’m kill myself right now”]d. Victim 1: “Bc of you” [“Because of you”]e. dani.robertts: “Good”f. dani.robertts: “Do that fast”g. dani.robertts: “Or I’ll make you do it”h. dani.robertts: “I swear to God.”

Extradition for Robertts was still pending, prosecutors said Sunday.


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