‘Unknown: Killer Robots’ is a captivating documentary that delves into the realm of artificial intelligence and its implications in warfare. While the title may catch one’s attention, the film goes beyond mere killer robots to explore the truly alarming aspects of AI. It highlights how the powerful AI systems embedded within computers pose a significant threat, making it clear that we don’t necessarily need physical robots for devastation to occur.
An alternative title like “Artificial Intelligence in Warfare” would accurately reflect the film’s focus. The real danger lies in the invisible but all-encompassing nature of machine-learning AI, which has the potential to shape our world in numerous ways. We meet individuals involved in military-funded AI projects who understandably emphasize the brilliance and potential of their work.
However, in attempting to distance their projects from films like “Wargames” and “Terminator,” they inadvertently illustrate just how closely their developments align with the scenarios depicted in those movies. They openly acknowledge that AI surpasses human capabilities in terms of speed and intelligence, echoing the very concerns raised in countless sci-fi movies where AI or killer robots take control.
The documentary raises the issue that even those who have experimented with unleashing AI’s dark side confirm the problems it can create. While it may be an oversimplification, the underlying concept is clear: AI possesses the potential to become a nightmare reminiscent of the worst sci-fi horror stories where it takes over the world. This realization adds weight to the documentary’s exploration of the risks and challenges posed by AI in our increasingly technologically driven society.