Business Hospitality & Tourism

Lagos demands warmth and security from hospitality, entertainment facilities during Christmas

Owners of lounge, hospitality, and entertainment venues have been asked by the Lagos State Government to conduct welcoming and secure operations during the holiday season and beyond.

The charge was given on Victoria Island during a meeting with the owners and Chief Executive Officers by the Director General of the Lagos State Safety Commission, Mr. Lanre Mojola, and the General Manager of the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA), Dr. Dolapo Fasawe.

In a statement made public on Wednesday, Mojola claimed that acting in a cordial and safe manner will help to avoid unnecessary mishaps and tense circumstances.

He advised business owners who intended to host or organise events to take into account the environment and the public’s safety by acquiring the required permissions from the state government, especially during the Yuletide season.


He claimed that the meeting was required due to the recent increase in the number of reports of safety and pollution violations that the agencies have been receiving and which need to be properly addressed.

He outlined the mandatory safety procedures required for a smooth event, including the deployment of Certified Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) staff and fire safety preventative measures (grounded in first aid and CPR application).

Other precautions include providing several exits, using protective personal equipment (PPE) while on duty, and handling chemicals and hazardous products in a professional manner.

He also suggested the following to prevent food poisoning: appropriate security, the installation of educational signage to direct visitors, and the use of only licenced food handlers.


“We have the approval of Mr. Governor to ensure that any event above 250 crowd should be registered with us, while above 500 must not only register, but have on ground, our trained safety marshals and other relevant sister agencies to monitor, coordinate and prevent unseen situations.

“Obtaining approval for noise permit is sacrosanct to issuance of our safety certificate,” he said.

For her part, Dr. Dolapo Fasawe, General Manager of LASEPA, advised locals to abide by the environmental rules governing each and every state resident’s behaviour.

Residents could celebrate without making a racket, Fasawe added, and they should respect their neighbours’ rights to a calm environment, especially inside their own neighbourhoods.


Despite the fact that social activities could not be completely excluded from urban cities, she claimed that regulations needed to be put in place to ensure peaceful coexistence and happy workplace relationships.

“Government is not unmindful of the peculiarity of this season to your sector and that is why we are taking this step to ensure it is a ‘win-win’ situation for us all,” Fasawe said

The head of LASEPA expressed delight that several facilities have complied with the agency’s recommendations for regulating and managing their sound.

She asked the facility owners to get more actively involved in local events.


According to Fasawe, the government’s decision to grant the noise permission was made at its discretion, taking into account the occasion, the surrounding area, the time frame, and other factors.

She claims that breaking the rules might result in penalties, sealing, and legal action.

In order to secure compliance from refractory organisations, she stated that the agency would continue to give all environmental-related facilities in the state its entire attention and monitor them.

Fasawe urged the populace to support the owners’ entrepreneurial goals and to keep advancing the state’s culture of peace.

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