Nigeria Politics Top Story

Confusion as Goodluck Jonathan and group alleged to have bought his APC nomination form both deny

Goodluck Jonathan, former Nigerian President, considers it an insult for an unknown group to purchase an All Progressives Congress (APC) 2023 presidential nomination form for him, his spokesman has said.

Also, the Miyeti Allah Cattle Breeders’ Association of Nigeria (MACBAN), a Fulani socio-cultural organisation has denied they bought President Jonathan an APC presidential nomination form.

Both denials are coming after a ‘Fulani group’ was alleged to have bought an APC presidential nomination form for N100 million.

The National Secretary of MACBAN, Alhaji Baba Ngelzarma, in a statement on Monday in Abuja, appealed to the media professionals to take their time to understand the difference between the various Fulani organisations and avoid dragging MACBAN into “political mud.”


The attention of the National Headquarters of MACBAN had been drawn to a trending story in which we are being quoted as having bought a Presidential nomination form for former President Goodluck Jonathan for the 2023 elections.

”We wish to make it clear that MACBAN did not and will not buy any form for any Candidate contesting elections.

”As an association, we have far higher needs for money to assist our members being uprooted and killed in some part of the country.

”MACBAN does not see any gain in this kind of profligate enterprise that adds no value to the millions of our members who are wallowing in poverty as a result of banditry and cattle rustling.”


The secretary said that MACBAN believed that politics should be left to politicians, saying, ”we see no mileage in supporting any politician when we are overwhelmed by the crisis being faced by our members nationwide.

According to him, MACBAN, will when the need arises support a candidate that shows commitment to end the suffering of its members after the conclusion of party primaries by all the political parties.

”We look forward to seeing the manifestos of the various candidates and where our members fit in to determine who to fully support,” he said.

Earlier, Jonathan had rejected the N100 million All Progressives Congress (APC) Presidential Expression of Interest and Nomination forms bought for him to contest the 2023 presidential election by nomadic Fulani pastoralists and Almajiri communities.


Mr Ikechukwu Eze, Jonathan’s Media Adviser said in a statement on Monday that it was an insult for the community to buy the forms for him without his consent.

The statement was in reaction to the earlier purchase of the forms for the former president to contest the party’s ticket with other aspirants for the 2023 presidential election.

“It has come to our notice that a group has purportedly purchased Presidential Expression of Interest and Nomination forms of the APC in the name of former President Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan.

“We wish to categorically state that Dr Jonathan was not aware of this bid and did not authorise it.


“We want to state that if the former president wanted to contest an election, he would make his intentions clear to the public and will not enter through the back door,” Eze said.

He, however, expressed appreciation for the overwhelming request by a cross-section of Nigerians for Jonathan to make himself available for the 2023 presidential election.

Eze stressed that the former president had not in any way, committed himself to the request.

“Buying a presidential aspiration form in the name Dr Jonathan without his consent, knowing the position he had held in this country, is considered an insult to his person.

“The general public is therefore advised to disregard it,” Eze maintained.

Malam Ibrahim Abdullahi, the purported leader of the nomadic Fulani pastoralists and Almajiri communities, had earlier told newsmen after picking the forms that Jonathan should be re-elected to enable him to complete what he began.

“My name is Ibrahim Abdullahi, I represent two of the most vulnerable communities in our country, the nomadic pastoralists and the Almajiri communities.

“We have decided to purchase this form for our former president, Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, to come back and rule this country and continue with the good work he started,” he said.

Among other things, he said Jonathan was the first president since the country gained independence in 1960 that found it expedient, through his magnanimity, to remember the Almajiri community.

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